President & Founder
President's Message
Welcome the Caribbean Association of Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgeons (CAGES). We are here as founding members of CAGES. Professional associations provide a platform for people who share a common interest to grow through; sharing information , training opportunities, support and networking. Starting and running a professional organization can be challenging, but rewarding if we all give our support to our vision and mission.
•To provide the highest standard of care in women’s health using MIGS
•To increase uptake of MIGS throughout the Caribbean
•To establish an accredited Gynaecologic MIGS Fellowship Programme that will ensure the highest standard of surgical expertise
•Establishing a regional approach to improving women’s healthcare using minimal access surgery (MAS)
•Improving gynaecological surgical standard of care through collaboration and mentorship
•Optimizing patient safety and surgical outcomes using MAS
•Establishing competence in advanced gynaecological endoscopic surgery through certification
•Having an annual regional/international conference
•Development of collaboration with other international
•To ensure that members remain current through continued medical education involving hands-on skills training workshops, telesurgery, telepresence and on-site mentorship